Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Vancouver, We love you

A friend of mine from college (sort of) has this project going on that makes me smile. Sarah's really entrepreneurial... when she's not managing her friend's concert tours, she's creating fun 80's-inspired t-shirts that celebrate this city we love.

Hence, the "Vancouver: We Love You" T-shirt project. Apparently she's still trying to keep it on the down-low but since nobody really reads this blog, it shouldn't be a problem! The thing I like about this project is that it's just for the love of the city and the fun of it... it's not connected to the 2010 Olympics, it's not to profit off of the hate-on for the HST, it's not an internet-related in-joke... it seems like it's just out of unabashed hometown geekery (though, she's from Surrey... interesting, no?).

It's this sort of thing that reminds me of a blog I'm part of, one called Tenth To The Fraser that celebrates my hometown of New Westminster. I love it when locals just like their community so much, they start something to recognize it with no other motive than pure interest. Now that I'm invested in East Van and have bought a place here, I feel that way about this place too. Despite the PNE.

1 comment:

  1. I would like one of those t-shirts...and I think they would make good presents...how can we inquire? thanks for posting!
